Technical Regulation and Standardization
A head organization for standardization of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus is UE GIPROSVYAZ, which functions in the following fields:
working out fundamental objectives, programs and plans of standardization as well as provision of their realization;
organizing the preparation and reassessment of state and branch technical normative legal acts in the field of communications and informatization;
carrying-out of expert examination of technical normative legal acts projects of standardization for their modern adequacy;
organization of cooperation and coordination of the standardization works of organizations of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization with national standards bodies of the Republic of Belarus and international standards bodies;
formation and keeping of international, intergovernmental, governmental and branch technical normative legal acts and other normative documents which provide development, production and operating of means of communications.
reference and information support to the communications companies on issues affecting standardization;
providing interested enterprises with branch technical normative legal acts and other normative documents of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus.