The Republic of Belarus is a state in the centre of Europe with a population of over 9 million 300 thousand people. It is located at the intersection of transport and information flows between West and East, North and South of the Eurasian continent.
Skillfully using the benefits of its unique geographic location, Belarus is actively developing its information infrastructure. One of the priorities for the country's sustainable development is the digital transformation of the economy and the widespread dissemination of innovations.
To date, the Republic of Belarus has made significant progress in the digital sphere. A well-developed data transmission network that meets international standards, reliable centres for their storage and processing, identification mechanisms, online payment systems, modern electronic services and information security tools have been created.
Summing up the results of the work for 9 months of 2021 as a result of the implementation of measures for the construction and modernization of telecommunication networks, we inform you about the results achieved.
- The number of subscribers of fixed broadband Internet access was more than 3.27 million.
- The number of IPTV subscribers was 2.34 million.
- The number of subscribers connected to the multiservice IMS platform increased by 88.7 thousand compared to the beginning of the year and amounted to 3.7 million.
- The number of subscribers connected using GPON technology increased by 77.4 thousand and amounted to 2.82 million.
- The external channel capacity for Internet access was 2180 Gbps.
- The number of cellular mobile telecommunication subscribers in the first 9 months of 2021 is 11.781 million.
- Second generation (2G) cellular mobile telecommunications services can be used on 99.3% of the territory of the republic, and third generation (3G) services - by 98.4%.
- The coverage of the population and the territory of the republic with cellular mobile telecommunication services using LTE technology increased and as of October 1, 2021 amounted to 97.4% and 76.7%, respectively