The Minister of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus Konstantin Shulgan took part in the meeting of the Ministers responsible for ICT of the Non-Aligned Movement member states on the topic “Development of ICT infrastructure in the context of the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals”.
The Non-Aligned Movement is an international organization that unites 120 states of the world, that constantly form and promote the principles of the Non-Aligned Movement to address ICT issues for the benefit of participating countries.
During his speech, Shulgan informed the participants of the meeting that the Republic of Belarus consistently and purposefully implements all the Sustainable Development Goals.
“Over the past decades, we have achieved significant results in many areas and, speaking in terms of numbers characterizing the fulfillment of the tasks necessary to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, I would like to cite some of the achieved indicators:
in 2022, the number of subscribers of wireless broadband Internet access amounted to more than 9 million with a penetration of services of 101 units per 100 inhabitants;
the number of subscribers of fixed broadband Internet access amounted to more than 3 million with a penetration of services of 34 units per 100 inhabitants;
the number of subscribers connected via GPON technology, which allows data transfer rates up to 100 Mbps and higher, amounted to about 3 million;
the total number of cellular mobile telecommunications subscribers in the republic amounted to nearly 12 million. The penetration rate was 127 subscribers per 100 inhabitants. Cellular mobile telecommunications of the second and third generation cover about 99 percent of the territory of the republic, where about 100 percent of the population live. Coverage of the population with fourth generation cellular mobile telecommunication is provided up to 98 percent,” - said the Minister in his speech.
The experience of the Republic of Belarus in the field of ICT is aimed at reducing the digital divide between developed and developing countries, promoting participation of developing countries in all aspects of information society.
The ministerial meeting served as a valuable platform for the exchange of views on the objectives of the cooperation program in the field of ICT and for further discussion of measures for effective implementation of the Final Document of the Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement held in Baku.