For the purpose of the Government’s of the Republic of Belarus Programme of Activities on 2016-2020, approved by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus April 5, 2016 №274, and the Development Plan of the Ministry of Communications for 2016 by the balance of the work from January to June of 2016:
the number of subscribers of broadband landline Internet access increased by 60 thousand and on the July 1, 2016 it was 2, 963 million;
the number of subscribers of IPTV increased by 84, 2 thousand subscribers and on the July 1, 2016 it was 1, 395 million;
the number of subscribers of ZALA (OTT) Internet-TV increased by 8,8 thousand subscribers and on the July 1, 2016 it was 19, 2 thousand subscribers;
the number of subscribers connected to IMS-platform increased by 257, 1 thousand and it amounted to 1, 508 million;
the number of subscribers connected via GPON technology, increased by 234, 9 thousand subscribers and on the July 1, 2016 it amounted to 818, 8 thousand;
the width of the external channel of Internet access increased by 67 Gbit / s and reached 870 Gb / s.
To expand and improve broadcasting quality of RUE Belarusian Radio and Television Broadcasting Center in the first half of the year 22 units of transmission equipment were put into operation at the existing facilities, including 3 digital television transmitters of the standard DVB-T, and 19 radio transmitters.
More than 119, 6 thousand subscribers use commercial terrestrial digital TV broadcasting services.
Cellular mobile telecommunications cover 98, 2 percent of the territory of the Republic of Belarus, that equals to 99, 9 percent of the population.
The total number of subscribers of cellular mobile telecommunication is 11, 5 million, the total number of subscribers in the first half of the year increased by 64 thousand.
On December 17, 2015 cellular mobile telecommunication network based on LTE technology was put into commercial operation. At the first stage a network deployment was carried out in Minsk.
Nowadays the second stage is implemented, which involves the deployment of LTE networks in all regional centers of the country with the completion of the work before the end of this year.