In the first half of 2021, the development of the information and communication infrastructure of the Republic of Belarus continued.
As of July 1, 2021, telecommunication services had been provided by 190 telecommunication operators.
As a result of the implementation of measures for the construction and modernization of telecommunication networks, the following results had been achieved:
The number of fixed broadband Internet subscribers had made up 3.273 million.
The number of IP TV subscribers had made up 2.34 million.
The number of subscribers connected to the multi-service IMS platform had been 3.67 million.
The number of subscribers connected via GPON technology had increased by 47.2 thousand and had amounted to 2.79 million.
The width of the external channel for Internet access had increased since the beginning of the year to 277 Gbit /s and had amounted to 2160 Gbit /s.
The number of cellular mobile telecommunication subscribers in the first half of 2021 was 11.696 million.
Second-generation (2G) cellular mobile telecommunications services could be used on 99.3 % of the territory of the republic, and third-generation (3G) services - on 98.4 % of the territory.
The coverage of the population and the territory of the republic with cellular mobile telecommunication services using LTE technology had increased and as of July 1, 2021, had amounted to 95 % and 58.6 %, respectively.