28 postal operators in the Republic of Belarus have a license to provide public postal services for sending of postal items, accepting subscriptions to printed media and their delivery.
Innovations and achievements in the field of postal services, implemented recently on the basis of IT-technologies, include the development of the national postal electronic system, electronic prepayment system, “Mobile Postman” and pre-postage processing services, as well as the expansion of the parcel lockers network.
The National Postal Electronic System is a convenient and fast way to send ordinary and registered letters in electronic and hybrid form with confirmation of the fact of delivery. The number of registered users in the system is more than 5 340 users.
The Electronic prepayment system of settlements for legal entities is a digitalized analogue of a paper prepayment book allowing on-line crediting and debiting funds for postal services, as well as paying for a wide range of postal services. The number of contracts concluded for the provision of services using the electronic prepayment system is more than 17 500 pcs.
“The Mobile Postman” service allowed to provide localities, including those located in rural areas, with a wide range of services outside the postal facility, including postal services, banking, financial and other services. Currently, there are more than 6 130 units operating in the Republic of Belarus.
In order to develop an additional round-the-clock channel for receiving postal services, increase the level of service to users and reduce their waiting time when receiving postal items, the network and functionality of parcel lockers continues to expand. The network of parcel lockers in the Republic of Belarus currently consists of more than 150 units.
Pre-postage processing is an online service that provides the possibility of remote preparation of postal items, printing the necessary accompanying documentation, expedited execution of a postal item using a barcode at a postal facility or parcel locker through integration with a cash register information system.
The development of the postal online store Shop.belpost.by continues. Its main task is the distance trade of goods and postal products with delivery to the population anywhere in Belarus, as well as to more than 40 foreign countries. The official website of the national postal operator presents the products of more than 320 manufacturers/suppliers and contains more than 26 000 names of goods.
The 18th International Competition Class was held from 27 November to 2 December 2023 at the Grand Postal Building in Bangkok, Thailand, on the occasion of the World Philatelic Exhibition and Championship “Thailand 2023”.
In order to promote Belarusian postal products on the international philatelic market, RUE “Belpochta” took part in this exhibition with the provision of an exhibit - a single-stand thematic exposition “Belarusian Philately for Children” (postage stamps from 2020 to 2023).
By decision of the international jury, in group B of the competition class (countries that issue from 30 to 69 postage stamps per year), the Belarusian exposition was awarded a bronze medal.